Aims & Objectives

To promote a wider understanding and appreciation of the construction industry

The CFCI is a registered Charity, whose aims and objectives are:

  • To advance education, learning and understanding of the built environment.
  • The award of grants, bursaries, scholarships or provision of other financial assistance in support of education, learning or understanding in the built environment.
  • For the public benefit, particularly but not exclusively in Cambridge, promote and support high standards in planning, design, architecture or other aspects of the built environment.
  • To develop and maintain friendly relations and to secure mutual support and co-operation among the members of the Forum and among professions, trade associations, trades unions and other bodies connected with or otherwise interested in the construction industry.
  • To secure the free exchange of information, to monitor events, trends and developments within or affecting the construction industry generally and particularly in the Cambridge area and to make private or public comment thereon either independently or in conjunction with any other body
  • To promote discussion on matters of a technical, philosophical, political, social, legal or topical nature relevant to the construction industry and the society it serves.
  • Members of CFCI are invited to suggest projects or other causes worthy of support and to contact by email either the Chairman or the Secretary who will forward suggestions.

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