Bidwells - The Cambridge Central Mosque
Haysom Ward Miller - 2b Derwent Close
R G Carter - Bodley Court, King’s College
Mole Architects - Marmalade Lave Co Housing
Eric Parry Architects - Cambridge Assessment
Haworth Tompkins - Peter Hall Performing Arts Centre
Bidwells - The Cambridge Central Mosque
Bouygues (UK) - Cavendish Laboratory
Alex Pett, Site Manager at Morgan Sindall Construction
Coulson Building Group - Milton Road Library
Bidwells LLP - Nos 33-34 Trumpingtom Street
Hamworth Tompkins - The Peter Hall Performing Arts Centre
National Institute of Agriculture and Botany, Lawrence Weaver Road
Cowper Griffith Architects - The David Parr House
AMA Chartered Architects - Fitzwilliam Museum, Gallery III
Stanton Williams - The Simon Sainsbury Centre, Cambridge Judge Business School
Architect HOK - Royal Papworth Hospital