
To promote a wider understanding and appreciation of the construction industry

Projects we fund

The CFCI offers grant funding for projects that further the aims and objectives of the Charity. We welcome applications for funding; please send in an application form. There are no deadlines to apply.

  • Grants may be offered to individuals or organisations
  • Grants may be given to fund events, training, research, conferences, or other such activities that may advance the objectives of the charity
  • Applicants can be of any age or stage of study or professional development. Applications will be considered from schools, colleges, individuals or professionals.
  • Applications may be for one-off events, or for an ongoing programme of events.
  • The Trust accepts applications that have particular but not exclusive relevance to the City of Cambridge. Applications for events or study outside the City may be considered, providing that the work can be disseminated to the CFCI as part of a programme of talks.

Grants offered are generally between £500 and £2,000.
Larger grants may be considered for projects that have exceptional pertinence or reach.

Previous Grants

Previous Grants have been awarded to the following:

  • The University of Cambridge, first year design/make project
  • Architecture student team, building a primary school in Uganda
  • Cambridge Architecture Gazette
  • Romsey Mill – Access to construction courses
  • Shape East – Built Environment Education Trust
  • Swavesey Village College – Btec construction course
  • RIBA Schools Workshop
  • Cambridge Sculpture Trails

How to apply for funding

  • Provide a written precis of the project (max 2000 words).
  • Indicate the intended beneficiaries of the project ( 500 words).
  • Provide information on who will be participants in the project.
  • Provide a budget for the overall project, and state how the remainder of the project is to be funded.
  • Provide name, address and d.o.b if under 18 of the lead applicant, together with contact details: address and telephone number.
  • Provide Bank details ( Sort Code, Account no) that any grant is to be paid into.
  • In addition the following Declaration should be included: I/we confirm that any grant awarded will be used for the sole purpose(s) stated, and in accordance with any conditions specified, and I/we understand that the Trust will not accept any liability in connection with any grant.
  • Please note that the submission of an application does not guarantee that a grant will be made or that an accepted application will receive the full funding requested.
  • Trustees welcome additional information in support of the application.
  • Please indicate if you would be prepared if requested to present your project at an evening meeting of the CFCI.

Allocation of Funds

The Trustees meet three times per year to consider applications and all submissions will be considered at the first available meeting.

Download Forms

Use the buttons below to download the guidance notes and application form.

Guidance Notes

Application Form